
As the Principal has already said, Avon College is a not a big college. We have a relatively small numbers of students and this means that everyone is known to us and we have time to focus on the individual student. Our teaching staff is comparatively small, but it possesses a wealth of experience and expertise.


Avon College is a friendly college where everyone, from the Principal down, is accessible. We are a student focused college, which means you and every other student is very important to us. And we take a holistic approach to learning, which means that even when you are outside the classroom or not even in the college building, you are still our student and if you have problems or needs we would like to hear about them and to help if we can.


Avon College is a small college with a big future. We already offer ATHE programmes and we have recently been authorised to offer Edexcel courses. We are particularly pleased to have been accredited to teach Edexcel programmes as it is the largest privately owned examining board in the UK and offers a vast array of programmes.


Education In Continuing A Proud Tradition

At Avon College our aim is to provide as complete and excellent an education as possible to every one of our students – whatever his or her culture, ethnicity or social background – enabling them to learn, grow and mature and realise their full potential.

Education Is About Creating Leaders For Tomorrow

  • To put the student at the centre of everything we do
  • To value and celebrate diversity
  • To work together to create and sustain a culture of trust and openness
  • To strive for excellence and support individuals to achieve their full potential
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